To Art, in general, we ask to ponder, to feel a thoughtful joy, to show the constant and hidden side of life.
In this sense, art is close to the science that seeks explanations and by trying to put things in order, to understand, runs into authentic mysteries.
Both need a vision that can sustain them, a purpose and a rhythm; if one or the other are lost one ends up falling into pedantic knowledge or mere decoration. The question of art responds to the desire to compete with time in order not to be overwhelmed by the continuous flow of events and finding a clue that may overcome contingent aspects.
This clue is named beauty.
Gualtiero Marchesi has searched for the clue through cookery, assimilating it to written music, showing the value of the
ingredients on the plate as if they were notes placed on the staff.
Note by note, he has drawn the whole melody of a recipe, always giving his interpretation, editing, updating, taking apart and rearranging the various elements. Cuisine and music have duration in common, being capable of living only by their execution: in the space of a concert and a dinner. In the attempt to overcome this limitation, Marchesi began to paint, paying tribute to the artists he felt closest. He did so by virtue of the language of the cookery, disappointed only by the “transience” of all culinary work.