"Form is matter", the permanent revolution of Gualtiero Marchesi is developed upon this statement. A conceptual revolution that, once understood, is far from being belligerent, and is sweet rather, if not obvious.
If food is life, the most natural of conditions will be equally divided between desire and emotion.
The desire to understand, to learn, capturing the essential and more, but also the emotion, abandonment, every time that food is capable of meeting the necessities of hunger and the pleasure of dining room.
Whenever knowledge, need and pleasure are aligned in the same direction, it happens that our idea of tastiness finds its inseparable half and that is the idea of beauty.
Chasing the beautiful in tastiness and vice versa, Gualtiero Marchesi has kept alive his own vision of the world, in which the gestures of the chef do not aim to disguise, but to reveal the nature of edible things.